La-Grande-forêt-D-AnlierThe country of slow tourism

Enough of racing against the clock! This time, during the holidays, take it easy, take the time to live. Go for the slow attitude...

"Westerners sometimes have the time, but they never take the time" said Gandhi. Drowning in the vortex of deadlines and objectives, putting our foot down, we move forward without always realizing the negative aspects of living so fast.

In a time where everything has to go faster, always further, many of us adopt the virtues of slow tourism, a way of travelling differently which allows us to slow down and find a certain quality of life.

Synonym of patience, serenity and in-depth discoveries, slow tourism in the great forest of Anlier carries ecological and humanistic values. Restorative walks in the forest, wellness stays, gourmet weekends, animal watching...

In short, do yourself a favour, empty your mind, slow down and take the time to discover your destination. The forest is reaching out for you!
